Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
Instructions & Reminders:
This app is for use with your choice of your own intuition (choosing the options that you know apply to you), or Kinesiology techniques (if you are at a loss for what applies). If you are not familiar with this, please schedule an office or phone visit where we will walk you through the use of this app and give you extra tapping points for the LRMT and pointers on focusing. You can also visit our for training in how to begin to practice muscle testing on yourself or others (always with their permission first). If you are working with a child, under the age of 16, please get permission from their parent(s) beforehand.
You can also use this app just to help jog your mind when it is drawing a blank as to what you are struggling with or that emotion you are feeling. Many will spot the issue without using the kinesiology. So if the technology is overwhelming for you, just use these links and let your mind discover what your body or heart need to pay attention to.
If the tapping does not seem to work for you, then consider:
> using the karate-chop point to reverse your energy system, then do a round of tapping.
> praying and asking God to help your body and heart to release what you want to let go of.
> using meditation:
~ find scripture that applies to your issues and speak it out loud to get your
body, mind, and heart in line.
~ use your mind to imagine taking a walk with Jesus and asking Him to help you with it.
Make sure you listen to what He says you need to do - it's the Holy Spirit's guiding.
~ relax, choose to put your thoughts of the day's struggles aside then focus on releasing.
> using the "Personal Peace Procedure" we will supply on your first scheduled visit.
> Using the formats in scripture
- James 5:13-16
- Philippians 4:6-7, then 8
REMEMBER that your energy system will only do so much in a day so limit yourself to 2-3 issues in any one day. If you attempt to do more than that, you will most likely find that the things you want released/cleared will not do so. You may want to set a habit of clearing just one thing each day (old or new things that come up). It will take less than 20 minutes and in a month you will be amazed at what you have accomplished and how your health in every area has improved.
You can do it!