Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
Breathe/Hydrate/Imagine/Release Blocks
Each system, cell and atom in your body is in constant communication with the others at all times via bio-photons; and you thought your nervous system did all that. :-) Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, these lines of communication become compromised, which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental health. Reconnecting these lines of communication then enables the body's mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus rapidly accelerating the healing process and even preventing disease.
LRMT can be used to address many health problems, or be seamlessly integrated into any health care system to increase its effectiveness and promote faster healing. Medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, life coaches, performance coaches and others are now using these techniques in their practices.
Also keep in mind that what you accomplish with this app will not conflict with anything another professional is doing with or for you. It has absolutely no contraindications (unless their goal is to keep you as a long-time patient).

Heart Healing

Download and Read the LRMT Manual. You can do this before or after your session, however at least become familiar with the main tapping points
Realize Relief and RESOLUTION
Using this App Can Provide Relief from:
Addictive Cravings - foods, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs
Allergies - food, environmental, even emotions
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Breathing Difficulties
Cancer - Different types follow different LifeLines
Children's Issues, including bed wetting
Compulsions and Obsessions
Depression and Sadness
Fears / Phobias
Grief, Loss, and Love Pain
Habits - anything you do you that you wish you didn't
Negative Memories
Pain & Symptom Management including:
fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches, back & neck pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, rotator-cuff pain, and TMJ -
Physical Trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sexual Abuse Issues
Side Effects from Medications,
including neuropathy and rosacea -
Stomach Problems
Use the Jubilee App To Enhance:
Emotional Control
Healing & Recovery
Job, School & Sports Performance
Financial Security
Self-Image and Self-Esteem
Putting Belief into action - making it work for you
I invite you to try these techniques on ANYTHING - if you are willing to be consistent and persistent at home with the techniques we teach you, and then contact LifeRegeneration if you get stuck on an issue or run into a block (are not able to lower the intensity), you will find that this often works where nothing else does.