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Pure Water.jpg

Pure Water

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Tap Water

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Bottled Water



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WATER - the very best hydration for the human body comes with water!  Not foods or drinks with water in them. 

yadayada  yada   - this information to be completed. 

LIQUIDS - this area includes anything that is more than just water.  Some people think when they are told to drink water because they need hydration, that this includes any and all liquids. 

Teas, coffees, soups, juices, and other drinks may quench your thirst, however they most often will not hydrate you
r body.  Even herbal teas, healthy soups, quality coffee, and fresh fruit juices do not serve your body the same as pure water. 

yada yadayada - this information is in the proc3ess of being completed.  Come back and visit at a later date.  :-)

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