Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
Shortness of Breath

Endocrine System


Urinary System


Immune System

Circulatory System



Respiratory System

Central Nervous System
Use this tool/chart to pinpoint the etiology of any physical symptoms you have.
Remember how to use the steps for using the neuroplasticity of your mind, DNA, body, and whole being? Remember how to use the neuro-linguistic approach - your words spoken aloud? Remember how to bring up the roots, own them and release them to God? Use them to remove the problems you have by addressing the physical symptoms here, by connecting them to the mind and heart.
Keep in mind that we are four-part human beings – Body, Spirit, Heart, and Mind. In the following pointers we will be looking at the whole person that you are.
Here are four steps again- use one or more until you discover what is at the root of your issue and are able to deal with it and clear or resolve it:
1. Choose an area above that you're dealing with or are challenged by
- the symptom you feel
- the area in the body you feel it, or your muscle testing tells you it is
- apply an emotion to it that you feel applies. Just one; if there is more than one, then make a list of them, choose one from your list and set the others aside.
If you are having a hard time naming an emotion, please use the "Trapped Emotion" Chart under "Non-visible" energies. You may peruse the lists until one strikes a cord with you, or use the Kinesiology we teach you at LifeRegeneration.
2. Take that symptom or feeling and rate it 1-10 and tap on it! As you tap, pay attention to whether emotions pop up and stop just for a second to write them down, then continue applying the tools we've taught you, until you bring the rating down to at least a 4 or 5, though lower is better. If it does not move, remember to do your reverse polarization technique and try again. If it still does not move, there is no need for stress over it, just move to the next pointer.
3. Use the mini-video tool - Jot down the physical symptom AND the emotional feeling attached to it. – i.e. what is your situation or issue. Give it a title and attach a short video of it in your mind (under 20 seconds). We never just have feelings without something attached to them in our mind/memory or body.
a. Body issue – sickness, illness, disease, pain, surgery, addiction, allergy . . . any body/physical issue.
b. Mind issue – something you are thinking about in relation to a job issue, relationship issue, or friend issue that brings the feeling you are focusing on.
c. Heart issue – for you this is the feeling, but in tapping on it pay attention if other feelings jump out, and write them down and rate each one separately.
d. Soul issue – anything that pertains to scripture that is speaking to you, or something the Holy Spirit is pointing out to you – things that God wants you to deal with or recognize.
4. When feeling the emotion you've chosen to work on, pay attention to the symptom and place in your body. Give it a color. Do a round of tapping then rate it again to see if the grip of it changes or if the color changes.
Remember, many times the issues people deal with have layers to them (like an onion) which must be peeled away one layer at a time until the center is revealed. Be patient, persistent, and consistent in working through this process for complete health in your whole being.
Blessings to you and great peace and joy as you discover how fearfully and wonderfully you are made!