Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.








Vital points to understand!
1. All oils are NOT equal.
2. Eliminating all fats from your nutrition is NOT healthy.
3. Many companies touting healthy oils are not interested in your health - they are interested in their bottom line, not yours.
4. The latest fads change every 4 to 8 years - don't be yanked around by them.
5. Most (not all, but most) doctors do not understand nutrition, so IF your doctor says to cut out all fats and salts and sugars for life, you may want to consider finding a new doctor.
Understanding the Need for Oil in Your Body:
Some equate oils with fats and simply try to remove all fats from their food items. This is a great mistake.
Some consider all oils to be basically the same in reference to helping the body. This is a mistake.
Some use oils according to flavor and ability to blend with their foods.
Some use selected oils because they've been told they are healthy - be careful where you get your information concerning this. One example is canola oil - this is NOT an oil for the physical body. It is machine oil, fit only for machines. The oil industry had an excess of this oil and so decided to make a profit by selling it as a food for people. What better way than to market as a healthy oil.
Different oils are for different temperatures in cooking. For example coconut oil does not do well for frying foods because the temperature is much too high for this oil.
Peanut oil is great for stir frying and has a wonderful flavor for this also.
Check your needs with the list in the Jubilee Chart and consider cutting some oils out of your diet while adding others to it.

Pay attention to the oils you use and how they influence your health. Oil obviously affects our body, but can actually affect our mind and heart as well. Considering the heart, we already know that oils affect the health of our physical heart in relation to heart attacks, blood clots, cholesterol, and other issues that are well covered in the research.
Oils also affect our emotions/heart and how we are able to deal with issues that will harm or help us. AND, pay attention, oil also has an influence on our spiritual health! What?! Yes. They can make a difference in our prayer life, the battle ground of our mind, and being able to help others with their issues.
STILL IN PROGRESS - coming in the future!
To clear addictions to or misconceptions about oils:
use rounds of LRMT Tapping or sweep a small magnet from forehead to base of neck 3 or 4 times - intention and focus are prime here
breathe deep (4:6 ratio), and
drink water
WHAT?! Yes, you may need to do this in order to be able to actually incorporate the proper oils into your diet. If any emotions come up pertaining to this, definitely jot them down, rate them, and deal with them using the tools you've learned.