Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.

This is very similar to a trapped emotion, but shows up after a trauma that causes two emotions to be felt together due to a traumatic event - rape, seeing someone being abused, 911, an accident or crash of some kind, etcetera. if this is not cleared, then do 10 total.

This occurs due to a blow to the body such as a punch, a fall, an accident, or an injury of any kind which is then transferred into the energy field instead of healing normally.

War Trauma
This is a particular trauma caused by actions of war where the person has seen or felt fear, pain, panic, grief and/or the stress of having to do something they do not want to do (i.e. killing or hurting another) - Here two or more emotions are felt at the same time and can become trapped in the cells as harmful energy.
This type of trauma can occur not just with those in the military, but also police, SWAT and other service members, as well as those caught in riot situations.

This is most often the result of an injury, however may be due to an infection of some kind. You may want to find out what the frequency of this inflammation is, but only if necessary to allow the body to release it.

Synonyms are fever, ague, plaudism, or miasma - a predisposition to a particular disease which has been suppressed. Because of this the energy field is distorted.
Clear this with 10 runs down the gov. meridian.

Tug of War
Here energy is out of balance due to bouncing back and forth between two things or emotions the person feels in response to what they think they SHOULD do or feel and what they DO do or feel; for instance when struggling between what they think is right to do and what they want to do. Go to the Emotions Chart, find the emotions and release them.
To clear a traumatic influence:
use rounds of LRMT Tapping or sweep a small magnet or Nikken roller magnet from the forehead to base of neck 3 or 4 times.
Intention and focus are prime here - you will want to have a clear focus in your mind on the issue as well as the intention of releasing it.
breathe deep (4:6 ratio) and imagine releasing it
drink water - this will allow energy to move easily
Recheck for the intensity or do muscle testing to make sure it is totally cleared.
This can often be released with 3 runs down the gov. meridian, however if not released then complete 10 runs or work on meridian tapping until cleared.
FIRST, You are not alone – many people find it hard to discover or name the trauma they have been through, or the issue they struggle with and feel trapped in.
Keep in mind that we are four-part human beings – Body, Soul, Heart, and Mind. In the following pointers we will be looking at the whole person that you are in order to bring forth your trauma with the minimal amount of pain and get rid of it - not from having ever happened, but from having a grip on you.
Here are three pointers for you to look at to enable you to bring your trauma to the forefront with experiencing it all over again. You are able to deal with it and clear or resolve it!
1. Look at your trauma "from a distance" and rate it from a 1 to 10 and do a simple round of tapping on it either physically or in your mind. As you tap, pay attention to whether other emotions pop up and stop to just quicikly write them down in just a word or small phrase for each. Then continue applying the tools we teach you, until you bring that number down to at least a 4 or 5, though lower is better. If it does not move, remember to do your reverse polarization technique and try again. If it still does not move, there is no need for stress over it, just move to the next pointer.
2. Jot down a quick list of feelings you have in reference to this trauma. We never just have feelings without something attached to them in our mind/memory or body. Next to each "feeling" jot where it appears:
a. Body issue – sickness, illness, disease, pain, addiction, allergy . . . any body/physical issue.
b. Mind issue – something you are thinking about in relation to it, for example a job issue, relationship issue, or friend issue that brings the feeling you are focusing on.
c. Heart issue – for you this is the feeling, but in tapping on it pay attention if other feelings jump out, and write them down and rate each one separately.
d. Soul issue – anything that pertains to scripture that is speaking to you, or something the Holy Spirit is pointing out to you – things that God wants you to deal with or recognize. Jot them down.
If you have a problem finding anything this is related to, please give me a call and we’ll do an “office visit” over the phone, unless you can easily get to San Antonio for a person-to-person! Your first visit will be half price if you've purchased the Jubilee App – only $40 for an entire hour.
3. When feeling the things attached to your trauma, pay attention to where you feel them in your body. You may have this in your emotions, but most often feelings in our heart will be also felt in a particular part of the physical body, such as a tightness in the chest, or ball in the stomach, or ache in an area on the back, etc. Focus on this physical area, rate it and if possible give it a color – strange but this will often work to get your body, soul, mind, and heart to line up and being to deal with it. Do tapping and rate again and see if the grip of it changes or if the color changes.
In my office I also use kinesiology with my clients to help find the etiology of their issue and cut through all the layers that may be there on any of the four main areas of who you are. However, unlike many naturopaths or therapists, I do not just accept what the muscle testing reveals. I also bring the muscle awareness to the person’s mind and heart and allow them to verify or negate what they find. Then we deal with the root issues and work our way to the top.
Remember, many times the issues people deal with have layers to them (like an onion) which must be peeled away one layer at a time until the center is revealed. Be patient, persistent, and consistent in working through this process. This Jubilee App will help you greatly to reduce the time it takes to reach your end goal - complete health in your whole being and freedom from trauma and the grip in has on you in various emotions - fear, anger, confusion, pain, etcetera.
Blessings to you and great peace and joy as you discover how fearfully and wonderfully you are made!