Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.

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Jubilee Options
TEST THE ABOVE OPTIONS TO FIND OUT WHAT AREA YOUR MENTAL DESPAIR INVOLVES. Pin down the specific phrase so you can release that "energy" and then make sure you replace it with a truth statement.
Mental despair occurs when we have a negative statement that is perceived as truth by the subconscious mind. In our conscious thoughts we may know very well that it is not true, but our subconscious mind trumps the conscious mind when vying for our emotions, actions, and responses (buttons that can be pushed by situations or people).
In your past many ideas were placed into the subconscious through experiences, repetition, an important event, or even a trauma, and when ideas are placed into the subconscious mind it does not determine what is true and what is not. The subconscious mind believes that everything there is true!
IF we have a negative or untrue belief in our subconscious mind, yet our conscious mind knows it is not true then the two are essentially playing a tug of war for which will win. Due to this we can experience mental despair as our subconscious attempts to verify or prove that "truth." Some examples are:
"I am fat"
"I am stupid"
"I am worthless"
"I will never succeed"
This is often just 3 to 5 words that keep playing over and over. It is like a trapped emotion and can be released with LRMT or 3 rolls of the mag roller DOWN the governing meridian. BE AWARE, that you will also want to replace this with a truth statement AND accompany this with 3 to 10 rolls UP the governing meridian, until you know that you know that it is true!
"I'm incapable of learning"
"I'm a failure"
"I'm going to die" - because my doctor says so
"I have a disease that cannot be reversed"