Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
THOUGHT OR IDEA - Everything is energy and energy WILL affect us either positively or negatively. We like to think we can just be neutral, but our world is set up to be in motion and we are subject to its laws. Our thoughts will either benefit us or harm us. We can either choose to improve our life or settle for the default, which moves us toward chaos, and confusion. THERE IS NO NEUTRAL place we can just sit in.
Examine your thoughts or thinking patterns. YOU CAN ALSO USE THE EMOTION AND JUBILEE CHARTS TO DISCOVER WHAT IS AT WORK HERE. Also consider the following:
-> Signs seen recently or regularly
-> Music you listen to or hear from someone else's area
-> News heard
-> Television shows watched
-> Books reading or read
-> Conversations heard or participated in
-> Physical items you think about often - USE MATERIAL CHART HERE.
Find what keeps repeating itself in your mind "automatically" and keeps dogging you with a negative idea or ideas. Once you peg it, get rid of it!