Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.

Thought Patterns
These are things you find running through your mind like a looped sound track. It can be a song or just a voice you hear over and over again. If it's a positive song or an encouraging voice, GREAT! Sometimes however you can have negative sounds stuck in your mind against your will. Hmmm?
Some of these may come from the workplace - coworkers playing that trash music and negative words. Some may come from your past - a teacher telling you how you'll never amount to anything. Still others may come from a traumatic experience - a war experience, a violent act toward you, or a disaster you were caught up in.
If you allow these to keep running their loop in your mind, these may be keeping you from being able to take the steps you want to take to live the life you'd like - fulfilling work, a vibrant and healthy body, wonderful relationships, a peaceful existence, love, forgiveness, and gratitude.
Sometimes you may not even realize that sounds in your mind can limit what you want to achieve. Many times the sounds in your mind will even become words in your own mouth, voicing negative things that you don't want in your day-to-day life.
These sounds can be released with LRMT or 3 rolls of the mag roller DOWN the governing meridian. Try to focus on the sound or words as you release it. You might even want to imagine seeing it leave your body and your mind as you use the releasing technique you choose.
BE AWARE, that you will also want to replace this sound or phrase with a positive sound or words. You can do this rather quickly with 3 to 10 rolls UP the governing meridian.