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body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
ALLERGY REACTIONS are a response toward something that is not normal for most of the population (i.e. it is not a poison or toxin that can harm you outright). A physical reaction by the body is the body mistakenly thinking that a substance is going to harm the body and it therefore responds in combat against the "intruder" by swelling up or forming a rash. Some examples are bee stings, plant pollen, pet dander or hair, a food substance, dust, mites, or plant fluids or spores. A MISTAKEN REACTION BY THE BODY TRYING TO PROTECT ITSELF.
FOOD INTOLERANCES result from changes in the way our energy field reacts to the energy of a specific food especially in our digestive system, one example being lactose intolerance. Food intolerances are much more common than food allergies. An intolerance is often correctable with three (3) clearing actions down the governing meridian. /// You can also think about the allergic reaction or focus on it, then clear or line up the meridian and retest until clear.
THOUGHT OR IDEA - Everything is energy and an allergy is simply a reaction or response to a certain energy that is not normal or goes against how we were created. We can therefore be "allergic" to thoughts or thinking patterns. USE THE EMOTION AND JUBILEE CHARTS TO DISCOVER WHAT IS AT WORK HERE. Consider the following:
-> Pay attention to what your conscience is bringing up
-> Pray about what needs to be dealt with
-> Be aware that this can be a positive or negative thought - an allergy is an allergy
The information below is merely for the interest of those who want more details on the phenomenon of allergies and intollerances. It is not required for you to be able to deal with your energy and complete the process above for clearing your energy system.
Hay fever Aversion hypersensitivity susceptibility sensitivity vulnerability
Allergy | GREEK
noun, plural allergies.
1. an abnormal reaction of the body to a previously encountered allergen introduced by inhalation, ingestion, injection, or skin contact, often manifested by itchy eyes, runny nose, wheezing, skin rash, or diarrhea.
2. hypersensitivity to the reintroduction of an allergen.
Compare anaphylaxis.
3. Informal. a strong dislike or aversion, as toward a person or activity:
He has an allergy to hard work.
bigotry dogmatism narrow-mindedness prejudice
Intolerance | LATIN
1. lack of tolerance; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one's own.
2. unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect persons of a different social group, especially members of a minority group.
3. incapacity or indisposition to bear or endure:
intolerance to heat.
4. abnormal sensitivity or allergy to a food, drug, etc.
5. an intolerant act.