Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
A Choice! A Step.
Follow Directions. Find Freedom
When you read this description of powerful whole-body participation and move to get in line with God's Word, your perception will change. Keep in mind that when your perception changes, your life changes, and when your life changes, your actions, reactions, emotions, and motivations will change. You get to choose whether these will change in positive ways or decay in negative ways.
One powerful life-changing thing you get to CHOOSE
TO DO is access forgiveness. Why do I say "access"
instead of grant? Because there are 5 aspects of
forgiveness you may want to visit:
1. Forgiving another who has hurt you.
2. Asking another to forgive you for something you have
done to them, and receiving that forgiveness.
3. Asking God to forgive you for things you have done toward others and, yes even toward Him. Then receiving forgiveness from God.
4. Forgiving yourself. Some are surprised that there are people who continue to, in essence, beat up on themselves and hold mistakes and even intentional actions and words over their own heads. If God has forgiven you, then you need to forgive yourself, and ask Him to help you to do better.
5. Forgiving God. What? Sometimes people are angry at God for things we think He has done or for things we think He did not provide. Never thought about this? Well, it's a possibility in the arena of forgiveness that needs to be covered.
To cover forgiveness completely you may want to visit all of these areas, but choose just one for now and focus on the details and your action plan.
First to cover abuse, forgiveness is a key but it is never intended to cover the actions of an abuser. Forgiveness includes and involves justice. NEVER consider forgiveness to be approval or allowance for anyone to continue or not pay the consequences for their actions. Especially, in the case of leaders in every arena of our society - parents, teachers, pastors, servants of the law, even up to congress, governors, mayors, and judges. You considering forgiveness in these cases includes you finding an entity who will exact justice and expect God to take retribution where needed. Then, you can move forward in dealing with your heart, your mind, your physical body, and your spirit.
In many cases consider that person that hurt you? I know it’s hard to forgive what deep down feels unforgivable. It may feel impossible, since they were so wrong, so selfish, so nasty. In some cases they are so clueless, they don't even know they hurt you, which seems even worse. You don't need to negate or stuff those feelings. It's time to bring them out and deal with them once and for all.
I'd like you to consider for a moment that person... they may have been deeply hurt, wounded, abandoned, or shamed at some point in their life. If we can have compassion for their brokenness, we can start to forgive their offense.
Others have just simply been selfish, greedy, aggressive, and some even evil. Report them and give them to God - He has very specific directions on how to deal with them. YOU, simply then move into dealing with your hurt and heart.
It doesn’t justify what they've done, however it will position your heart for healing. And help you to move forward into what God has for you - "good, to give you a future and a hope." Forgiving the one who hurt you, also does not mean you need to forget what the situation teaches you - learn wisdom for the future.
Now how about those people who do not even know you and you're angry with them for the nasty things they do and have done - i.e. media people, some politicians, people in public positions who seem to have power over you and make decisions and "rules" that are harming you and your family? Think about this: If you hang onto bitterness and resentment you are actually building a prison around yourself, and giving your enemy the key.
As you forgive them and release them from any sphere of controlling you, God promises that He will deal with them. Just practice patience and trust in Him. Use the LRMT techniques and prayer until the tension/anxiety of bitterness and anger are reduced and listen to God for anything you need to actually do - i.e. speaking out, moving forward, standing still, staying silent, serving others, putting up healthy walls, etc. Listen to and obey God.
Some names connected to unforgiveness are bitterness, grudge, contempt, anger . . . . use the Jubilee Trapped Emotions chart to pinpoint any you might not be aware of. When dealing with these issues, it is best to get down to specifics and take down the stronghold it has on you, versus skirting your emotions, so go for it!
"Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."
Ephesians 4:32
AND . . . it works even better once you've "signed" on by taking the step to believe in what Jesus has done, with your whole heart and mind. To understand this, check out:

To add a Forgiveness Shift:
In my office I use rounds of LRMT Tapping or roll a Nikken magna roller, rolling from the bottom of spine to top, or from the base of your neck over your head to the forehead, 3 or more times - intention and focus are prime here
Prayer and laying on hands would normally take the place of this, however for forgiveness James says to go and do it, then come back for prayer and hands laid on you. There is a good reason for this. -
breathe deep (4:6 ratio) and relax
drink water
When you moved any tension or anxiety about this down to a 3 or less, you're ready to do your forgiving.
A Time to Forget
"Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him...Until seventy times seven." - Matthew 18:21-22
Remember when...? That's a question we hear a lot when reminiscing with family and friends, enjoying the memories until inevitably, we stumble across memories we would rather forget.
Suddenly, the hurt and pain hits us, rushing in. The sting of a parent's criticism, the broken promise of a friend, the rejections, the disappointments, the heartaches....
What should we do with memories like that? Do we have to drag them along, like so much baggage, from year to year? No. We can leave them behind. In fact, we must leave them behind. And there's only one way to do it—through forgiveness.
Forgiving someone sounds like a simple thing to do. Yet few of us actually do it. We treat forgiveness as if it were one of life's additional options, something we can take or leave alone. But it's not. It's a basic requirement for every believer. In fact, as far as God is concerned, unforgiveness is wickedness. And in Matthew 18, Jesus tells a parable that illustrates the terrible consequences of it.
The parable tells us about a servant who owed his master a debt equivalent to millions of dollars. When the debt came due, he pleaded with his master, "Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all." His master was so moved that he canceled the entire debt!
Soon after, that same servant searched for a man who owed him only $20. Finding him unable to pay, he ignored the man's pleas for mercy and had him cast into prison.
When his master heard about it, he was incensed. He called him a wicked servant and delivered him to the tormentors until he paid all that was due.
Look again at the size of that unforgiven debt. Twenty dollars! The little debts are the ones that most often trip us up. The petty resentments between husband and wife, between brother and sister. Tiny bits of unforgiveness that seem too insignificant to bother with. Beware. Those are the kinds of debts Satan uses to torment you.
After all, Jesus paid off a mountain of debts for you. You can afford to be generous about the nickel and dime debts of others. Listen the Holy Spirit - you can best do this by spending time with Him - allowing Him to reveal the unforgiveness in you. When He alerts you to these areas, repent and release them. Make this year and any family or friend reunions more than just a time for remembering. Make them a time to forget.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:21-35
Further study and considerations regarding forgiveness: