"We are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
Balance Your Life, Enrich Your Health
Christianity in Truth
Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." We believe Jesus is who He says He is. Many religions say that Jesus was simply a good teacher; however they then claim that this "good teacher" would lie to us when He says He is God. Therefore they contradict themselves. He IS who he claims to be.
We believe the Bible is the Word of God, true in its entirety, and as you read it and take it to heart, it will change your life for the better.
We do not consider ourselves religious, we simply love the Lord Jesus - the Living Word - whom God, the Creator, has given to us, that we might know the Truth and be set free! This freedom entails our spirit, our soul, our mind, and our physical bodies that we might serve Him because we love Him, not because we are compelled from without with a set of rules or laws, but because we are compelled from within through a loving relationship with Him.
The standards are there to keep us safe, give us a path to follow and make our options clear (Deut 10:12-13). We still have a free will and God is looking forward to us using it to discover truth, life, and yes even excellent health. We encourage you to find out who it is who created you. He created you as a person who has great value - immeasurable. He wants you to know Him and enjoy Him, find fulfillment in the abilities and gifts which are in you, and to create your life with Him beside you to help you all the way.
The links on this page will lead you toward knowing God, but the best of these is The Holy Bible.
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Anywhere in the Bible where you find reference to the mind and the heart together, you will most likely discover an area you should pay particular attention to in regards to what you can do to line up your mind and your heart with your true purpose; you will find encouragement for renewing your mind and guarding your heart so you can become all that you were meant to be and find fulfillment in that.
Here are some references you can look up yourself to find instruction for physical, mental, and heart health:
Matthew 6:25-34
Mark 9:22b-24
Mark 11:23-25
Mark 12:29-30
John 4:16
Romans 10:9
Romans 12:2-1
James 1:6-8
James 5:15-16
Hebrews 11:6
Ephesians 3:16-20
Ephesians 4:31-32
Galatians 5:22-23
Colossians 3:15-18
Philippians 4:6-8
2 Corinthians 10:4-8
Hebrews 10:38-11:3
Deuteronomy 10:12-13
Ezekiel 47:12b
Revelation 22:2
Psalm 31: 9-11
Psalm 38:3
Psalm 139:14
Proberbs 3:1-6
Proverbs 3: 7-8
Proverbs 4: 20-26
Proverbs 12: 18
Proverbs 13:12
Proverbs 14:12
Proverbs 15:30
Proverbs 16: 24
Proverbs 17:2
Proverbs 18: 21

Find out for yourself in the Bible what the feelings below can
do to you or for you. Take the time too search them out. You can use the resources at to help you easily find these in Scripture and maybe even go on a Bible study of your own!
"I'm Sorry"
Fear - Trauma Forgiveness
Don't let counterfeits send you in the wrong direction. And don't let history trap you into believing that Christianity is a negative, traumatic, selfish, violent religion. Yes, people have performed violent, ugly actions in the past under the name of Christianity, however these people were far from the Truth that God shows us through Jesus, His Son, and they had little or no relationship with the Father.
Consider having a relationship with your Creator and truly living your life, instead of searching for a religion to bind you under laws which will certainly lead to death.

Your Greatest Self
You - yes YOU - are fearfully and wonderfully made, by a God who knew you before you were born. God has not only given you specific gifts and abilities, but he also gave you His Son, who died in your place to pay for your sins, so that you might have abundant life.
Most people are aware of the laws of physics (gravity, flight, motion, etc) and the "laws" of mathematics, while others are also very aware of financial laws which hold true for everyone. There are also spiritual laws which hold true for everyone. (Some are available to you under the link on this page entitled "Become a Christian." ) Some people are very aware of how our bodies heal and yet most are not aware of the extent of this and how God has provided for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
The more I read scripture, the more I realize how much I have missed over the years. Check out the references below which deal specifically with what God has provided for our health - spiritual, emotional, and even our physical health. It is amazing what is there just waiting for you to find it.
In the past 20-50 years disease and chronic illnesses have been on the rise. Children are contracting diseases that used to only be reserved for adults. More and more of our children are on medications to help them deal with mental and emotional maladies (ADHD and ADD). Cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, fibromyalgia, and a multitude of other diseases have also overtaken many. People pray for God to heal those in need and I often hear,
"We do not presume to be God and tell you what to do, we are just asking for your will to be done,"
and then we accept whatever comes by default. As scripture becomes more alive to me, it seems as if this is like asking God to give us something He has already provided for right in His Word. A glimpse into the spiritual realm may reveal God holding out a multitude of good things to us and we simply need to receive them from his hands and trust that He keeps His promises.
As you search the Bible look for those verses which VERY CLEARLY apply to your spiritual health, your emotional health, your mind, and your physical health.
I know where some fall short is in believing these instructions and guides, and I'm now convinced that LRMT and renewing (reprogramming) the mind can help us in this area. I'm seeing that God has already provided for amazing healing in these areas. We just don't realize how clearly it is written there in His Word and we often don't know how to grab hold of it.
At LifeRegeneration we hope to show you that God has provided for our healing not only in the future, but in the here and now. We just need to use what he has given us - at LifeRegeneration we can teach you some techniques that will help you to find excellent health.
LifeRegeneration is working on a workshop on how to use LRMT and mind renewal to help us grab hold of Scripture and put it to work in our lives.
Heart Issues Mind Pack
If you would like a sample of the Heart Issues Mind Pack just double click below and you can download a FREE set for your use. The top of each card has a truth to memorize while the bottom explains how you can make this truth come alive in your life by using techniques taught at LifeRegeneration. These cards help you to see a new perspective and help you to choose to see the positive picture that is really there.
This is just a sample pack of 10 cards - if you would like a complete pack (40 cards) just visit our store and order them.
The document below is created for your Kindle or e-Reader. If you prefer a document to print on business card stock, you can order these in our store.

DOUBLE CLICK on item above
and choose "Save File."
for your
and growth!
These are books we'd like to introduce you to and encourage you to read. You can purchase them at Christian Book Distributors at the best savings by clicking on the link below or ask for them at your local library.
Fully Alive: Learning to Flourish - Mind, Body & Spirit, by Susie Larson
The Battlefield of the Mind, by Joyce Meyer
The Slumber of Christianity, by Ted Dekker
Lord Deliver Me From Negative Health Talk, by Lynn R. Davis
Boundaries (various group studies), by Henry Cloud
Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You, by Deborah Norville
The Shack, by William P. Young
Blink of an Eye, by Ted Dekker
Changes that Heal: How to Understand Your Past to Ensure a Healthier Future, by Henry Cloud
POWER Thoughts, by Joyce Meyer
Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, by Dr. Henry W. Wright