"We are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
Balance Your Life, Enrich Your Health
When you schedule a LifeRegeneration consulting session you and your energist will have the technology and techniques below available. Your energist will help determine which one or combination are in your best interests and walk you through balancing your energy systems and resolving the issue(s) you wish to deal with.
Please be aware that we can use these in our office AND via long-distance sessions. Your energist will work by proxy with you in applying the kinesiology, BEMER and LRMT techniques. We have found great results in working long distance with our clients so even if you do not live in San Antonio, Texas, please consider scheduling a long-distance session - you get to choose whether you want to do this via phone, Skype, or e-mail "chat" sessions.
We do hope to set up on-line chat capabilities in the future so you can schedule sessions via our chat room!

Payment Lane
To make payment for a LifeRegeneration energy session, simply click on the option here and you can easily make payment via PayPal with your credit card, debit card, or even directly from your bank account. We do ask that you pay for your session at least 24 hours in advance - you may pay earlier if you choose.
This allows us to ascertain your appointment and reserve that time slot for you alone.
Of course, if you have an in-office appointment, you can pay for your session when you come to our physical office, in San Antonio.
Meridian Tapping
Your first session will be at least one hour and we will train you in the basics of meridian tapping. You can jump right into clearing if you make yourself familiar with the tapping points by watching the short video on our Come and See page:
You can then click on the payment option (above in the "payment lane") for a drop down list of consult options. You can use the appointment link to schedule a date & time and provide a phone number and e-mail where we can call you to set your appointment, send information, and call you back when it's time for your session.

Some of my clients have chosen to purchase a BEMER pad of their own to use daily in their own home. You learn more about the BEMER in detail if you Click on this link/picture >> >>
and you can view a your options for purchasing by choosing the options link here >

BodySpeak and Jubilee Options
These techniques are part of your main session when you schedule an appointment. Kinesiology is a technique that is gaining validity in many areas and you can find kinesiology classes in most every major university in the country now.
It first gained popularity in sports training and physical education where it stayed for many years, the proponents never suspecting that this could be used to tap into the body's inner intuition for answers to the etiology of many diseases, illness, stressors, and life challenges.
We use a detailed process to determine the root of many issues in your life that you want "rooted" out. We not only help you to get rid of the negative things, but we help you to renew your mind and incorporate the addition of positive habits, charater traits, and emotional benefits.
Schedule a session and you will be pleased with the results you obtain and the techniques you will learn so you can continue the work at home on your own.
These techniques often work where nothing else will!
When you purchase a BEMER via LifeRegeneration we will be your mentor in learning how to use your BEMER and answer any questions you have concerning the use of it. Please feel free to contact LifeRegeneration if you desire to purchase a BEMER or for any questions you may have, by using our contact page or calling me directly.

BEMER Technology
We offer you the experience gained from training through various conferences, classes, and on-line training programs. The BEMER is used by medical doctors, chiropractors, and other specialists. We have a BEMER pad available for your use when you are in our area (San Antonio, Texas); just call for an appointment.
The BEMER helps to oxygenate all the cells in your body and resets each organ to its best functioning level so your body can then heal itself as the creator intended.
For a BEMER session most of my clients chose to schedule a visit in our office. You can however schedule a session long distance via proxy and experience the results in your own body. It is wonderful for relaxation, pain relief, tension release, and more!
A BEMER session takes from 20 to 30 minutes depending on the issue you are addressing. To schedule a session you can make payment here:
Our BEMER pad, B-Spot and intense pad are wonderful to experience. This technology provides oxygenization to every single cell in your body and enables the body to begin healing itself. For more in-depth information on the BEMER, please feel free to visit this link or their official site: