"We are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
Balance Your Life, Enrich Your Health
Giving ~ Part of Truly Living!
Giving IS part of truly living. At LifeRegeneration just a few of the things we teach our clients are the skills of being grateful, forgiving, loving and giving (and how to do these without stuffing, pretending, stressing or presuming). One important thing they learn is that to be a giver you also need to learn to be a receiver and vice versa; yes, they are two sides of the same coin! Or . . . two streams attached to the same pond - two rivers flowing to and from your lake. Point being made is that for the water to remain fresh and life-giving it must continue to flow in AND flow out.
Below are three options that allow you to give! You can easily click on an option and pay through PayPal with your debit card or directly from your bank.

1. A Gift Certificate
This is a great idea for that person who is hard to buy for! A gift certificate from LifeRegeneration can be used as:
A spa day by using the BEMER and learning relaxation techniques that can then be used every day!
A rejuvenation hour for a physical overhaul
A tuneup for someone with health problems - this will complement any treatment or services they are obtaining with health practitioners.
Encouragement for anyone who is thinking about holistic health options
ANYTHING you can think of for ANYONE who is in need of a life adjustment in the areas of their health, job, relationships, sports goals, spiritual growth, finances, home . . . LIFE.
After you make payment we will e-mail you various designs to choose from and then can either send these via snail mail or via e-mail

2. A Donation
Your donation will help expand these teachings and our ability to help you, allow for "scholarships" for training in energy techniques, and for scientific studies and data gathering to further support the use of holistic health and healing through energy techniques.
Donations will be put in a specific savings account for use in enlarging the LifeRegeneration vision to provide a Holistic LifeRegeneration Center which will encompass a vast arena of options and specialists:
Bach Flower Therapy
Color Therapy
Design Therapy
Emergency Medicine
Essential Oils
Massage Therapy
Consider donating to LifeRegeneration and see what giving can do.
Meridian Tapping
Sunshine and Sunlight Therapy
BEMER application
Bible meditation
Exercise classes
Mind Renewal Courses
. . . . . . . and more!

3. Support to a Third Party
We encourage you to visit a website you consider of great benefit to society, life, people - donate there! We will suggest sites in the future that we find valid and of great benefit to society and individuals, however we would love to see you do research and take on the challenge of finding the best organization or individual you can to donate to.