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Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.
Speak Aloud
Connect Heart, Mind & Body
When you read this description of powerful whole-body participation and move to get in line with the Life Manual - God's Word - your perception will change. Keep in mind that when your perception changes, your life changes, and when your life changes, your actions, reactions, emotions, and motivations will change. You get to choose whether these will change in positive ways or decay in negative ways.
Neurologists have discovered that just the act of smiling big for a full minute will shift your whole being into a different perception and emotional climate. Also, when you change your body stance it will make a neural-connection with the rest of you and shift things! Crazy but true that what we say out loud and what we do with our physical body will change our whole being for better or worse depending on what we are choosing to do and say. It's called neurolinguistics and neuroplasticity which were covered in God's Word long before scientists discovered that our body responds in this way.
We also have energy connections whereby all the cells in our body are in constant communication with each other even outside of the neurological connections. Perhaps you never knew that your cells put out blips of light/energy (bio-photons) that travel out and exchange information with all your other cells. Strange to you? Perhaps, but that is how we were created to function at our optimum IF we take advantage of the laws and figure out how to override the defaults.
You will learn many tools in the Jubilee Options App that will aid you in changing up your emotions, mind, and physical body in the directions YOU want them to go. Be aware that the life default is decay, stress, sickness, defeat and more, UNLESS you use the laws to overcome the default - much like aerodynamics will overcome gravity when used in the right way.
It is one of the seven vital habits we do well to learn and truly make a habit.
Every morning make it a point to thank God for:
Something around you
Someone specific in your family
Something that you are standing in faith on after asking God to intervene
Something extremely simple like the sunshine or a pet.
. . . and keep thanking until you FEEL the gratitude in your heart.
It helps me to think of this world as a hologram that God created as a "classroom" for us to learn the lessons we need to learn and hone our strengths, purpose, goals, choices, life. Think about it. God is outside of time - He sees the beginning from the end and is therefore not in this "hologram" like we are. Jesus stepped into the hologram in order to help us and provide the price on our head required by justice. The Holy Spirit was left here with us to be a helper, so take advantage of Him. God the Father is outside time watching over all we do in order to work His plan in and through us. Yes! Crazy ideas I have but they help me to grasp the possibilities and take advantage of the tools we have here.
Get into the App and Learn how to Use the Laws:
In my office I use rounds of LRMT Tapping or roll a Nikken magna roller, rolling from the bottom of spine to top, or from the base of your neck over your head to the forehead, 3 or more times - intention and mental focus are prime here
Prayer and laying on hands can take the place of this but attention is vital. -
breathe deep (4:6 ratio) and relax, or if you begin to yawn, that works!
drink water - this is a must to move electricity, chemicals, energy and more.
after releasing the defaults, add a JubileeOption
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