Jubilee Options App
Balance your whole being - and change your life!
body, soul, mind, heart, and spirit.

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Health Issues


Specific Situations
To clear trapped emotions:
use rounds of LRMT Tapping or sweep a small magnet from forehead to base of neck 3 or 4 times - intention and focus are prime here
breathe deep (4:6 ratio), and
drink water
Be aware that with phobias, it may take layers/steps to remove them. In other words you can bring a phobia rating down to a zero when you are not near the item of your phobia, then when you approach it physically, the rating may go up again. That's normal. Just stop and clear it again with your tapping routine. When you are finally right in the face of your phobia you will clear it again. Just make sure to take "baby steps" when working on this; i.e. when you feel your emotions rising in reference to your phobia, STOP where you are, or even take a step back and deal with the emotion until it abates again. Only then, move forward.
Also, be aware that not all fears are phobias and all fears are not bad - some are there to warn you of very real danger, so make sure of whether you are dealing with actual danger or just the perception of danger that is limiting your ability to life your life to its fullest. Not sure? Then visit LifeRegeneration and we will walk you through this.
REMEMBER that your energy system will only do so much in a day so limit yourself to 2-3 issues in any one day. If you attempt to do more than that, you will most likely find that the things you want released/cleared will not do so. You may want to set a habit of clearing just one thing each day (old or new things that come up). It will take less than 20 minutes and in a month you will be amazed at what you have accomplished and how your health in every area has improved.
You can do it!
Phobias can have a serious impact on well-being, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. Phobias are common and treatable. If you believe that you have the symptoms of some type of phobia, definitely come visit us at LifeRegeneration. You will learn and use tools to be able to release your fear(s) and take on a whole new perception and emotion to go forward in.
The difference between fear and phobia
The terms fear and phobia are often used interchangeably, but there's a difference between these two concepts.
Fear is an emotional response. A person can react fearfully to either a real threat or a perceived threat. Fear can be a good thing as it helps you avoid a potentially dangerous situation.
You can develop fears of many things, including dogs or flying in an airplane. Some people develop a fear response (such as shaking or sweating) when they confront their fear.
A phobia is a response to something that is not a threat. This is why phobias are sometimes called irrational fears. The response is so intense it may interfere with your ability to function or perform daily tasks. Simply thinking about the feared item can trigger symptoms of anxiety.
How much the phobia affects your life is called an impairment, and this can range from mild to severe. If you have a phobia, you might develop a fear response even if you’re not face-to-face with the item. For example, if you have a phobia of crowds, just thinking about a crowd could trigger shaking or sweating.
One of the first things to determine is how your specific fear or phobia impacts your life. The good news is, you don’t have to figure this out alone. At LifeRegeneration we will help you evaluate your issue(s) and deal with them using simple tools and techniques.
To clarify, a phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response.
Typical symptoms of phobias can include nausea, trembling, rapid heartbeat, feelings of unreality, and being preoccupied with the fear object. This can show up as anxiety attacks, hesitation to move forward in a direction you need to go, or just a dislike for a place, activity, or a thing.
The medical community wants to call fear or phobias mental illness and often will attempt to treat it with “medicines” based on chemicals that are not natural (found in nature). That community says that phobias are the most common type of mental illness and treat them as “illness” which is puzzling in itself. Medicines often have many side effects that are detrimental to our being. They are fine in emergency/life-and-death situations, but chronic dependence on them is not in our best interest nor beneficial to our overall health and well being.
God speaks very specifically about fear and Jesus dealt with many different types of fear, even severe ones! If you deal with fear (whether normal fears or debilitating fears) take up hope and know that it can be resolved. Call us at LifeRegeneration and you will learn some wonderful tools and techniques that make this possible.
All the phobias listed here can be cured (even the strange ones) with the help of friends, family, doctors, counselors, and/or therapists. There are certain treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Exposure Therapy, and Medications (which should only be short term if at all). At LifeRegeneration we use neuro-linguistics, heart- and mind-based care to pinpoint the etiology of your issue(s) and then remove them so you can live a full and healthy life.
There is no need to worry for it’s not difficult to overcome these phobias. Most of these are a result of either past traumatic experiences or genetics.
If you know your phobia, or even fear, use the technique outlined below, making sure you do each step - don't just read it and think about it - and when your rating comes down, do it again!
If you have an undefined fear or unbearable tensing inside, then visit the phobia fear listing or consider going to the emotion list and finding the true root.